Del 3 al 13 de agosto de 2024. Valle de Lecrín (Dúrcal, Granada)



Donde todo lo que has creado tiene lugar

Laboratorio de escritura de guiones y desarrollo de 10 días de duración, con el que queremos hacer más fácil la conciliación de la vida familiar y la creativa.


Cinenido está concebido para que también asistan menores, que contarán con guardería cuando sus edades así lo requieran, así como con actividades relacionadas con el cine, las artes y la ecología.

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Así hablan de ScriptNest

Helena Medina Screenwriter

As a screenwriter and a mother, I would have welcomed a lab like ScriptNest when my children were younger. As a person who also teaches screenwriting, I strongly believe in a formula where adults can focus on their work with the peace of mind of having their children with them. A worry-free environment promotes creativity and efficiency.

María Zaroma Productora y distribuidora Elástica Films

Un enorme impulso para las creadoras en nuestro país y también a nivel internacional. Escuché hace poco a la escritora Zadie Smith en una entrevista cuando le preguntaron:-When do you do your best work? Y ella contestó: -Whenever there’s a nanny. Así que,¡¡¡enhorabuena por la incitativa!!!

Claudia Triana Director

Congratulations to the ScriptNest team for this initiative! It is brilliant to open that space so that families, in a parallel way, approach the cinema and the audiovisual in general. Hopefully we can replicate it in Colombia soon.

Paz Alicia Garciadiego Screenwriter

Work, even from home, tends to isolate parents from children. Work time and family space become enemies facing each other. Creating bridges between both realities, as ScriptNest does, relieves the guilt and burden inherent in being a screenwriter and having children at the same time... And getting rid of overwhelm and guilt surely helps to improve a script.

Eva Svenstedt Ward Head of Studies - ScriptLab TorinoFilmLab

A great idea, wish I had small kids so I could come!

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Ilustraciones por @lilialdai